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I provide consultation to therapists and service providers who are working with those with lived experience in the commercial sex industry and trafficking. Many highly skilled therapists and service providers are faced with clinical challenges when entering into work with survivors of CSE. This is often a result of a lack of clinical and direct-service CSE-specific training available in the literature. Through consultation, we identify your areas of need and discuss tangible takeaways to bolster your CSE-specific knowledge and toolkit in working with those with lived experience of CSE. 

What is your experience with CSE?​


Since 2013 I have been involved in the anti-sexual exploitation and trafficking field across multiple settings including community education, multi-disciplinary coalitions, research, case management, advocacy, program and curriculum development, policy change, and clinical assessment and therapy. My clinical experience with survivors of the commercial sex industry includes individual, group, and family therapy and healthcare-based clinical assessment. 


Through my role as the Impact Producer for Point of View Story, I regularly provide consultation and training to the team and to those in the field across the country. I have received formal certifications and informal trainings on the topic of commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking and working with those in the sex trade. With the help of virtual collaborations, I am routinely engaging in trainings and webinars to continue my own learning as the field evolves.

What is CSE?

Highlights of my Clinical Experience w/ CSE

  • Adults w/ Histories of harm in the sex industry (Outpatient Therapy)

  • Adults w/ Histories of CSE + Substance Use (Group Home)

  • Minors and Young Adults w/ Histories of CSE (Home-based, Group Homes, Residential Treatment, Foster Care) 

  • Adults in the Legal Sex Trade (Strip Clubs)

  • Assessment + Resourcing for Minors and Adults w/ Suspected Histories of CSE (Hospital and Clinic Patients)


CSE-Specific Trainings + Collaborations

  • Advanced TF-CBT for Complex Trauma and CSE/ST

  • My Life My Choice Curriculum

  • Victim-Survivor-Leader Model, GEMS NY

  • Thistle Farms Magdalene Model 

  • Point of View Story Pscyhoeducational Films Author, Consultant and Trainer

  • Global Association of Human Trafficking Scholars, Advocate Member

  • Acute Gaps in Mental Health Services Task Force, HEAL Trafficking

  • Sex Trafficking Graduate Level Course, Washington Univ. in St. Louis

  • Published Research: Provider challenges in responding to retrafficking of juvenile justice-involved domestic minor sex trafficking survivors 2022

  • United Against Human Trafficking, The Pathway | Therapist Partner


CSE-Specific Speaking Engagements 

  • Point of View Story Trainer, Ongoing

  • JuST Conference 2019 Unique Needs of Familial Trafficking Survivors

  • JuST Conference 2019 Somatization of Trauma with CSE

  • Threads of Hope/Nea Zoi Greece 2019, Self-Care for Professionals

  • JuST Conference 2021 Point of View Story + Cinema Therapy

  • ICESAHT Conference 2022 Survivor-Centered Care with CSE Survivors

  • INSOMM Conference 2022 Reducing Exploitation by Traffickers + Buyers

  • JuST Conference 2022 Use of Psychotherapeutic Films with CSE 

  • National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance 2023 Therapy Films for Survivors

  • Safe House Project Webinar 2023 Utilizing Exploitation Recovery Curriculum

  • JuST Conference 2023 Addressing Trauma with Parts Work: An Advocate and Therapist Perspective 

  • National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance Conference 2024 Addressing Trauma with Parts Work: A Framework for All Helpers

I recognize there is great complexity within the field of sex trafficking and the sex industry. I (along with many others in the field) utilize the term Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) to encompass any experiences of exploitation and harm that took place while in the sex industry - regardless of whether involvement began by choice, circumstance, or coercion. CSE can happen to people of all genders.

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